Tag: Families

Managing the Holidays in a Blended Family

Blending a family can feel like putting pieces of a puzzle together.  Holidays-in-a-Blended-FamilySometimes it may feel like the pieces don’t fit.  This can be especially true at the holidays.  It can be stressful for children, young and old alike, to maneuver through the holiday season between multiple families.
Many find it helpful to communicate clearly with the children what the plans and expectations are.  Knowing the schedule ahead of time may allow the kids to prepare for what’s ahead.  With that said, they may need some flexibility.  Allowing the children the opportunity to openly share their feelings may help to reduce feelings of stress, anxiety, or even resentment.
During the dialogue the children may also express their hopes for the holidays.  This may include the desire to maintain some old traditions or try some new ones.  Some families have found that lending open ears and an open mind to these suggestions go a long way towards letting the children know that their needs and opinions are important, too.

hope & restorationWhen the dark clouds of life roll in and settle over you, it’s important to have someone who can help you tap into your inner strength so that you can survive the storm.  At The Empowerment Group, that’s exactly what we do. We welcome you to explore the possibilities that are available to you. Restore a sense of balance and direction to your life. Whether through therapy, through Family Mediation, or through relationship counseling, we can help you find a path toward resolution and relief. Empowering your life! The Empowerment Group wants to help you bring balance, peace and happiness to your life even when the storms roll in and you feel all hope is gone. We can help:
  • Mediation
  • Therapy
  • Relationships
  • Pre-Marital Counseling



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